I wish I could say the same as you Gorby. I was raised without a radio, television or computer at home. All those 'worldly' influences were no good. Started as a regular pioneer at 15, and continued with an intensive theocratic 'career'.
It took me until I was 38 years old that I realised it was all nonsense, after many strange ideas just didn't add up. However, because all my family is still in, I am still held captive.
Just managed to stop the fieldservice two months ago, mentioning my concerns about many unexplainable things in the Bible to the elders. Love to see that they have no good answers at all. Will one of them wake up too?
Still waiting for my wife to see what is going on in the org. She has a similar background as I have.
What I do recognize is the survival modus. I never liked the forced conversations promoted in the Kingdom Hall, I knew these didn't work anyway.